Grove Garden Walk

ከ5 እስከ 5,000

ለልደት፣ ለዌዲንግ ሻወር፣ ለቤቢ ሻወር፣ ለጋብቻ ጥያቄ፣ ለክብረ በዓል፣ ለታላላቅ ስብሰባዎች፣ እና የተለያዩ ዝግጅቶች ከ5 ሰው እስከ 5ሺ ሰው የምናስተናግድባቸው ያማሩ ቦታዎች አሉን።

We have beautiful venues and open air spaces to host 5 to 5 thousand occupants for birthdays, wedding shower, baby shower, anniversaries,  grand meetings, and other similar events.